For those in the know
It’s the month of Adar
It’s the zaniest, craziest month by quite far
It tells us a story of a fool under the crown
And everyone around him turned things upside down
See, in Adar we celebrate an auspicious day
Where the Jews flipped the script before things went astray
It gave all that we know a whimsical spin
And these events became known as the chag called “Purim”
In a month such as this, Jews are compelled to to give thanks
For avoiding the enemy, through merriment and pranks
Turn that frown upside down, it’s a Jewish go-to
In Hebrew this term is called, “Nahafoch-hu”
So remember dear friends, that real joy is here!
Embrace this new month with merriment and cheer
For a megillah reading with voices from heaven
Be sure to join us in the auditorium at 8.40 on March 7
Kitah Chet has been studying, planning, and writing
For a day of celebration that is truly exciting
Be sure to dress up, be real funny and cool
And come celebrate with your friends at Yavneh Day School!