Was it the pasta sauce?
Was it the big group of alumni who joined us?
Was it Morah Jamie’s playlist?
Was it Mr. Sleep, BINGO caller extraordinaire?
Was it the candy Sukkah engineering challenge?
Was it the shrieks of excitement after every number was called?
It was all of it! The YPA BINGO & Pasta in the Hut event was the big, warm community hug we all didn’t know we needed. It was a lovely night and many attended. Families, friends, and alumni of all ages had their BINGO markers ready and were eager to win the beautifully wrapped prizes. You could feel the excitement in the air and the Sukkah was full, bursting with joy. Sending out a huge Kol HaKavod and todah – thank you, to the YPA for bringing us all together for such a wonderful, community-building event.