This has been an absolutely wonderful school year! A big thank you to the YPA Committee and all of you for supporting our programs, for coming to our events, and for volunteering your time. The YPA could not have done it without you. Thank you also to the Yavneh Day School staff, who provided me with valuable feedback during my first year in the role as YPA President. I would like to share information on some of our accomplishments during this calendar year. As a reminder, the YPA is providing the end of the year gifts to all of the staff.
Every year the YPA helps to welcome new additions to our community. This calendar year we proudly prepared more than 20 welcome bags to new Yavneh families.
The YPA was actively involved during the celebrations of Jewish holidays. Examples include apples and honey bags for Rosh Hashanah, the organization of the Family Sukkah, the delivery of sufganiot for Hanukkah, the making of mishloach manot for Purim, and special treats for the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration.
There was a lot of experimentation. We tried new engaging events such as the Hanukkah bazaar and soon to-be-famous Hamantaschen Bake. The Book Fair’s wrapping station was also a huge success and teachers also appreciated the end of the year Holiday Baskets.
The YPA also sponsored activities to appreciate faculty members and bring them closer together to students and parents. Engaged room parents facilitated communication for all grade levels. The Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, coffee carts and monthly brunches organized by the YPA sought to recognize Yavneh’s administration and faculty relentless efforts in seeking the best possible Jewish educational experience to our children.
Nevertheless, the school year is not over yet. The YPA volunteers are still busy with remaining planned events such as the 8th grade graduation, annual camping trip, and Friends of Israel Scouts. We are also busy planning for the next school year. I would invite you to think about opportunities to participate. Please reach out to me in case you are interested. Together we can enrich not only Yavneh’s community but also ourselves!
Have a great summer!
Suzana Fischer Hotimsky
YPA President
[email protected]